Mar 08, 2025
ENGL 4960 - Undergraduate Internship
An internship is a service-learning experience based in an off-campus agency or organization. The experience entails the completion of a specific task and the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills under the supervision of Augusta State University faculty and the cooperating organization or agency. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1101-1102 or 1113-1114; HUMN 2001-2002; ENGL 2250, and permission of the instructor.
Grade Mode: Normal, Audit
Prerequisites: PREREQUISITES: ENGL1101, ENGL1102, ENGL1113, ENGL1114, ENGL2250, HUMN2001, HUMN2002Pre-Req Min Grade: C, C, C, C, D, D
Credit Hours: 1 TO 3Contact Hours: 1 TO 3 Lecture Hours: 1 TO 3
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Supervised Laboratory, Lecture/Unsupervised Lab, Seminar, Supervised Laboratory, Unsupervised Laboratory, Independent Study (Correspond)
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