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    Feb 13, 2025  
2012-2013 Georgia Regents University Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Georgia Regents University Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education

Since its founding in 1925 with the stated purpose of extending educational opportunity throughout the state to its designation as a state university in 1996, the preparation of quality professional educators has been a part of the mission of Georgia Regents University. As the role of the professional educator has changed, so have the educational programs offered by the College of Education. The courses and related practicums and field experiences utilized in the current teacher preparation programs focus on standards from state, regional, and national accrediting agencies, best practice, and relevant research. Utilizing these as a base, preparation programs have been developed which emphasize what beginning teachers should know and be able to do at the end of their undergraduate studies. All teacher preparation programs in the College of Education require extensive clinical and field experiences in which teacher apprentices demonstrate the ability to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate appropriate curriculum strategies with a diverse population of students. These experiences are conducted under the close supervision of a professional educator in the public schools and a college supervisor. In order to graduate and be recommended for certification, all students must demonstrate with “real children” the competencies for success as a beginning teacher in their chosen field of study.

Mission of the College of Education

The College of Education is committed to excellence in the preparation of teachers, counselors, and administrators for service with diverse populations in a wide variety of educational settings. The professional educators involved in the various preparation programs prepare students for today’s classrooms through a collaboratively developed series of courses and appropriate field experiences while demonstrating outstanding teaching techniques and procedures from relevant research and best practice.

The College of Education is committed to relevant research and other scholarly activities leading to the advancement of knowledge and good practice in the total learning and schooling process of children. Research is conducted in collaboration with students, public school practitioners, and colleagues from other colleges to determine those things that work, do not work, and/or need to be revised in order to maximize the learning opportunities for children.

The College of Education is committed to a service mission which provides leadership in the development and dissemination of relevant knowledge to address the wide range of challenges faced by students, parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators in the learning and schooling process.

Conceptual Framework

The preparation of teachers and other school personnel is critical to all other professions, and to communities, the state, and the nation. The professional educator plays an essential role in student learning. The Conceptual Framework of the professional education unit at Georgia Regents University consists of a mission and vision with an overarching theme to produce prepared, able, and responsive professionals to teach and support diverse learners.

This mission and vision requires a partnership between the professional education unit including the College of Education, the College of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences, the College of Science and Mathematics, the local community educational system, community agencies, and the Partner School Network.

Conceptual Framework Mission:

Our mission is to educate prospective school professionals to be knowledgeable, effective, and ethical practitioners.

Conceptual Framework Vision:

Our vision is to prepare school professionals who transform P-12 learners into thinking, productive citizens.

Standard: Prepared
Disposition: To think critically about the process of teaching, learning, and assessment.
Competencies: Candidates who are prepared will:
          P1 - demonstrate strong content and pedagogical preparation in their respective subject area or professional field.
          P2 - use self assessment and analysis as a basis for collaboration with colleagues, continuing professional development and lifelong learning.
          P3- possess an understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) or professional field of study and create learning experiences that enable all students to learn.
          P4- demonstrate an understanding about how students learn and develop (intellectually, socially, and individually) and provide developmentally appropriate curricula, learning opportunities and support.
          P5- demonstrate knowledge about how to use information and technology effectively to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in educational settings.

Standard: Able
Disposition: To be creative, challenging, and flexible in teaching/professional practices.
Competencies: Candidates who are able will:
          A1 - understand, use and support a variety of instructional strategies to encourage critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and achievement.
          A2- create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation for all learners.
          A3- plan, guide, and support instruction using knowledge of subject matter, the learners, the community, and curriculum goals.
          A4- understand and use authentic assessment to evaluate and ensure the continuous development of the learner.
          A5- organize, allocate, and manage resources to support learning.

Standard: Responsive
Disposition: To act in a manner that is empathetic, responsive, enthusiastic, inclusive, and reflective in relations with students, parents, peers, and others.
Competencies: Candidates who are responsive will:
          R1- respect the dignity of all persons believing that all children can learn and have the right to an opportunity to do so.
          R2- translate knowledge into creating and supporting meaningful experiences for diverse learners.
          R3-accept responsibility for teaching and working in authentic settings with diverse populations of learners.
          R4- demonstrate a commitment to meet the educational needs of learners in a fair, caring, nondiscriminatory, and equitable manner.
          R5 reflect on practice and continually evaluate the effects of choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community).
          R6- foster professional relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support the learning and well-being of all students.

Degree Programs

Undergraduate and graduate degree programs leading to certification are offered by the College of Education in collaboration with the Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, and the College of Science and Mathematics.

These degree programs(undergraduate and graduate) lead to initial certification:

Early Childhood Education (B.S.Ed., MAT)
Middle Grades Education (B.S.Ed., MAT)
Secondary Education (B.S., MAT in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics/Mathematics; B.A., MAT in History, Political Science and English)
Foreign Languages (B.A., MAT in French and Spanish)
Health and Physical Education (B.S.Ed., MAT)
Music Education (B.M., MAT)
Special Education (B.S.Ed., MAT)
Counselor Education (M.Ed. in School and/or Clinical Mental Health)
Educational Leadership (M.Ed., Ed.S)

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with a Major in Kinesiology (B.S.K.)

This degree leads to a B.S.K. with an area of concentration in Exercise Sport Science, Pre-Physical Therapy, or Health Science. It does not lead to a teaching certificate.

These graduate degree programs lead to advanced certification:

Master of Education (M.Ed.):
Curriculum and Instruction:
Special Education (M.Ed.)
Counselor Education (M.Ed. In School and/or Clinical Mental Health)

Additional Graduate Degree:
Master of Science in Kinesiology (M.S.)
Education Specialist (Ed.S.):
     Curriculum and Instruction
     Educational Leadership (PL-6)
     Counselor Education

Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology with a Major in Kinesiology (B.S.K.)

Kinesiology is the scientific study of the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of body movement, especially in humans. The field of kinesiology is quite varied but generally consists of biomechanical, physiological, psychological, and sociocultural approaches to the study of movement. A degree in Kinesiology leads to careers in exercise; fitness, wellness, and health promotion; sport; and rehabilitation. The B.S.K is an appropriate undergraduate degree in preparation for professional graduate programs in physical therapy, occupational therapy, public health, exercise physiology and other related areas. Coursework includes classes in motor learning, exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, structural kinesiology, nutrition, fitness testing, and exercise prescription. Students majoring in Kinesiology select one of three concentrations (focus area) for their degree: exercise and sport science, pre-physical therapy, or health science.

Exercise and Sport Science

The Exercise and Sport Science concentration is designed to provide a strong science-based academic preparation for students who wish to pursue study in physical fitness and training. This track is also appropriate for students desiring to enter a graduate program in exercise science, exercise physiology, or who plan to work in fitness and cardiac rehabilitation professions.

Pre-Physical Therapy

The Pre-Physical Therapy concentration is an excellent preparatory program for graduate study in physical therapy as well as post-baccalaureate study in exercise physiology and cardiac rehabilitation. Students learn the principles of measurement/evaluation as they relate to injury assessment and rehabilitation, principles of exercise physiology to prescribe safe and effective rehabilitation programs, and identify preventative techniques.

Health Science

This is a comprehensive training program for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree related to public health, wellness, health education or health promotion. It also prepares students to work as general health educators in health promotion/wellness programs at fitness/wellness facilities and/or corporations.

Special Note: The B.S.K. degree does not lead to initial certification for teaching P - 12 physical education. The undergraduate degree in Health and Physical Education - Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. Ed.) will lead to initial certification. To obtain the initial certification, students must complete the requirements in the Kinesiology and Health Science department that are specific to health and physical education as well as the required education classes and teacher certification requirements. Refer to the College of Education Teacher Education sections for more information on these requirements.


Dean: Chance, C.
Associate Dean: Dohoney, P.

Department of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Special Education
Professor: Deering, T.E.; Geren, P.R.; Harris, P.P., Cree-Walker Chair of Education; Jackson, C.C.; Pollingue, A.; Smith, P. L.
Associate Professor: Anderson-Wiley, M.J.; Deaner, R. G.; Halbur, D.A.; Hardy, S.B.; Hearrington, D. B.; Lord, E.W., Chair
Assistant Professor: Agunloye, O.O.; Hogan, K.A.; Minor, A. J.; Wheat, L. S.

Department of Kinesiology and Health Science
Professor: Dohoney, P.J.
Associate Professor: Darracott, C.R.; Darracott, S.H.; Gustafson, R.P.
Assistant Professor: Connolly, G.J.; Cooper, C.R.; Hardy, L.A.; Russ, L. B.; Wish, K.W., Chair.
Lecturer: Cooper, C.

Department of Teacher Education
Professor: Chance, C.; Eisenman, G.; Hoosain, E.;
Associate Professor: Pendergraft, E.C.; Thompson, B.R.; Wilson. J.H., Chair.
Assistant Professor: Cushman, C.A.; Dillard, B.R.; Edwards, S.; Harrison, R.; Hill, A.J.; Kemp, A.T.; Page, C.S.; Yamaguchi, M.
Lecturer: Farmer, K.H.; Franklin, K.H.
Instructor: Harper, R.G.


The preparation programs offered by the College of Education at Georgia Regents University are accredited by the Professional Standards Commission (PSC) of the state of Georgia and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). This accreditation includes the basic and advanced levels of the professional education programs offered at GRU through the College of Education and the collaborative programs with the Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and the College of Science and Mathematics.

Admission to Teacher Education

Students may become “an education major” at the time of application to the university or at any point thereafter by selecting one of the teacher preparation programs offered in the college. Admission to teacher education, however, is a separate function and requires that the student meet all college, department, and program criteria. The following minimum admission criteria apply to all students seeking admission to Teacher Education. In some fields of study, additional requirements may apply. Students should check with the appropriate department to determine these special requirements. Foreign Language students may apply and be admitted after taking 60 semester hours.

  1. Students must earn a minimum Regents’ GPA of 2.5 (4.0 scale) on all attempted hours in the system core curriculum in areas A-F, as required for teacher preparation. Transfer students must have an overall GPA of 2.5, which includes any undergraduate transfer work and the Regents’ GPA for GRU undergraduate work.
  2. A grade of C or better in all courses used in Area F of the Core.
  3. For students in the early childhood, middle grades, secondary, and P-12 programs, except Health and Physical Education, a grade of C or better is required on all Core courses utilized in the certification program. For secondary and P-12 students, a cumulative grade point of at least 2.5 (4.0 scale) is required on all upper division courses taken as part of the major in which the student is seeking certification.
  4. Successful performance on the GACE Basic Skills exam at the following scores: Mathematics 220; Reading 220; and Writing 220.
    Students may exempt GACE Basic Skills with:
    SAT – composite of 1000 using verbal and math scores
    ACT – composite of 1030 using verbal and quantitative scores
    GRE – composite of 43 using English and math scores
  5. A record free of criminal, disciplinary, and psychological problems.
  6. Verification of physical health appropriate to the requirements of a classroom teacher.

Admission to Teacher Education is a prerequisite for all upper division level professional education courses. Students must be admitted to Teacher Education in order to enroll in these courses.


Due to the many, and sometimes changing, requirements for certification, advisement of students is a very important process in the College of Education. Because of this, students enrolled in a teacher preparation program may not utilize the self-advisement process. All students in teacher preparation programs should meet with and obtain approval from their advisor in order to register for courses.

Advisement Prior to Admission to Teacher Education

Students who have not been admitted to Teacher Education are advised by the Preadmission Advisor. This individual is available to assist students with a wide range of scheduling and planning issues.

Clinical and Professional Field Experiences

The teacher preparation programs at Georgia Regents University place a strong emphasis on “hands-on” experiences with professional educators in actual classroom settings. Students should expect a field experience as a part of most courses in the preparation process. Clinical and field experiences are monitored for each student to insure that they have had the opportunity to work with diverse populations in a wide variety of educational levels and settings.

Due to the sensitive nature of working with children in the public schools, the Department of Public Safety at Georgia Regents University will conduct a background review of all students at three specific points in the preparation program. The first check will be made as part of enrollment in EDUC 2110 - Invest Crit & Contemp Issues  in Education. Only students who present a record free of criminal and/or disciplinary activity will be allowed to enter a public school classroom. The second check will be made as part of the admission to Teacher Education process. The third check will be made as a prerequisite to entering the apprenticeship experience. Students who are admitted to the apprenticeship experience must have a record free of criminal and/or disciplinary activity.

Apprenticeship Experience

The apprenticeship experience is the culminating activity in all of the teacher preparation programs. Successful completion of this experience is required of all undergraduate students seeking a degree and certification in a teacher preparation field of study. In this experience, a student spends an entire semester working with a master teacher in a school classroom. At the end of this semester’s experience, students are expected to demonstrate all of the prerequisite skills required of an entry level teacher. Criteria for admission to the Apprenticeship Semester are:

  1. Completion of all course work in the major area of study.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 on all course work.
  3. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on all upper division course work in the major (ECED, MGED, SPED). For secondary and P-12 education majors, a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 is required on all content courses utilized as part of the major and a cumulative grade point of at least 3.0 is required on all professional education courses.
  4. Successful completion of the Comprehensive Portfolio.
  5. A record free of criminal, disciplinary, and psychological problems.
  6. Verification of physical health appropriate to the requirements of a classroom teacher.
  7. The written recommendation of the student’s academic advisor.

Due to the intensive nature of the experience, students may not enroll in any additional course work during the Apprenticeship Semester.

Recommendation for Certification

Professional teacher certification is granted by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission upon the recommendation of the College of Education. In order to be eligible for a recommendation for certification in the field of study, a student must:

  1. Complete all of the required course work in field of study.
  2. Successfully complete the Apprenticeship Experience.
  3. Earn a passing score on the Georgia Certification Exam in the appropriate certification field.
  4. Complete the application process for certification.

Alternative Certification Programs

Individuals who hold an undergraduate or graduate degree from a regionally accredited institution and wish to become certified in one of the teacher preparation fields offered in the College of Education should apply to the Master of Arts in Teaching program. The phone number for the Graduate Admissions office in the College of Education is 706-729-2465.

Integrating Honors Students into Teacher Education

Early Childhood Education

The Honors student will determine, in conjunction with his or her education advisor, where the 3900 courses will fit into the student’s program of study.

HONR 3999 , and HONR 4000  (2 hours) will be substituted for the Apprenticeship seminar in ECED 4491 .The Honors capstone course will be substituted for 1 hour of the student’s apprenticeship. The Honors thesis will be done in conjunction with field experiences.

Middle Grades Education

The Honors student will determine, in conjunction with his or her education advisor, where the two Honors 3900 courses will be substituted. The 3900 courses will be substituted in the student’s content concentration.

HONR 3999  , and HONR 4000  (2 hours) will be substituted for the Apprenticeship seminar in MGED 4210 . The Honors capstone course will be substituted for one hour of the student’s apprenticeship. The Honors thesis will be done in conjunction with field experiences.

College of Education Programs

Please see the GRU Graduate Catalog for graduate education programs.

No active programs available.

Department of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Special Education


Bachelor of Science in Education

Department of Kinesiology and Health Science


Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Bachelor of Science in Education


Department of Teacher Education


Bachelor of Science in Education