Feb 09, 2025
MLIR 3100 - Intro to Patient Care
Presentation of fundamental patient care skills and medical terminology needed for entry level biomedical and radiologic science professionals. Content includes essential patient care concepts including medical assessment, physical assessment, physical assistance, infection control and aseptic technique, physiologic monitoring, venipuncture, drug administration, patient special needs, psychosocial considerations, and medical emergencies.
Grade Mode: Normal, Audit
Credit Hours: 2Contact Hours: 2 Lecture Hours: 2
College Restrictions: Allied Health Sciences Program Restrictions: BSRS_DIMS-Diagnostic Medical Sonography, BSRS_NUMT-Nuclear Medicine Technology, BSRS_RADT-Radiation Therapy Level Restrictions: Undergraduate Semester
Schedule Type: Lecture, Asynchronous Instruction
Click here for the Schedule of Classes.
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