Mar 13, 2025
HIST 6011 - History of Women
This course will examine the history of women in either a geographical or topical approach. It will examine the female role of mother, daughter, sister, and leader in a particular society, such as America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, etc. Or, the course will be centered on a particular cross-cultural topic, such as suffrage, family roles, leaders, religion, etc. In all cases, this course is intended to explore the paradox between the ideal woman and actual treatment of women in a given era, society, culture, or movement. Students taking the graduate level course will be required to complete additional work. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): HIST 1111 or 1112 or permission of instructor.
Grade Mode: Normal, Audit
Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Lecture Hours: 3
Class Restrictions: Graduate-Semester
Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Supervised Laboratory, Lecture/Unsupervised Lab, Seminar, Supervised Laboratory, Unsupervised Laboratory, Independent Study (Correspond)
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