Mar 02, 2025
ANAT 3100 - Sectional Anatomy The course is designed to provide students in radiologic and imaging sciences a supplement to the student’s knowledge of anatomy through presentation of longitudinal, sagittal, coronal, and oblique sections of the human body. Correlation with computed tomography, magnetic resonance, sonographic, and SPECT images is made. Students should be able to use the material presented as a foundation for further study in any of the modalities.
Course Level: US Grade Mode: N, A Equivalent Course: RSC4602 College Rest: 01 Bill Hrs. Low: 2
Lecture Hrs. Low: 0Lab Hrs. Low: 0Other Hrs. Low: 4Contact Hrs. Low: 4Program Rest: BSRS_DIMS, BSRS_NUMT, BSRS_RADTCredit Hrs. Low: 2Hours: Restrictions:
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