About the Program
The doctoral program prepares students to understand the mathematical and theoretical basis of statistical methodology; collaborate on the design of research studies in the health sciences; provide advice on the proper collection, entry, storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data; and take primary responsibility for the analysis, interpretation and dissemination of data in a research study using state-of-the-art statistical methods and software. Doctoral students are also prepared to carry out original methodological research in statistics and apply the resulting methodology to health-related research problems.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of the PhD program will be qualified for employment in academic research institutions in medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health, public health, and the laboratory sciences; academic institutions providing training in statistics or biostatistics; in the pharmaceutical and other biotech industries; and in local, state, and national government agencies.
Financial Support
Students accepted as full time students into the program may be eligible for a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA), which provides a competitive stipend ($25,500 for the 2017/2018 academic year) as well as a reduced tuition fee of only $25 per semester.
Admissions Requirements
Please see the Office of Academic Admissions website for specific admissions information: http://www.augusta.edu/admissions/graduate/phd-biostatistics.php
For more information about the The Graduate School and the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology visit http://www.augusta.edu/mcg/biostatepi/.
Other Requirements
- All students must attend departmental and other research seminars and meetings that are relevant to their biostatistics training.
- Students must publicize the results of their research through seminars, conference presentations, and/or articles in refereed (peer-reviewed) journals.
- Students with graduate assistantships are required to work with a faculty supervisor as Research or Teaching Assistants.
- Comprehensive Examination
- Research Proposal Defense
- Final Oral Exam (Dissertation Defense)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biostatistics Curriculum
The Ph.D. program is designed to be completed in 4-5 years. The curriculum for the program includes (1) formal coursework, (2) preliminary and comprehensive exams, and (3) original research conducted under the supervision of a faculty mentor that leads to a successfully defended dissertation, as specified by the policies of the Department of Biostatistics and the School of Graduate Studies.