The Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction is designed for candidates who hold a valid teaching certificate and seek an advanced graduate degree. The program consists of 30 semester hours. All content coursework will reflect existing certification areas.
Required field assignments are completed in each education course in the program. Candidates will complete an electronic portfolio in addition to the Ed.S. coursework to demonstrate their ability with the conceptual framework principles of the College of Education.
Georgia Educators must hold a valid, level 5 or higher Induction, Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, leadership certificate, service field certificate, or Life certificate for program admission. Georgia Educators must take and pass the GACE in Curriculum and Instruction. A Georgia Educator must hold a Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate to qualify for a certificate upgrade and to add Curriculum and Instruction to the teaching certificate.
Educators who are certified in states other than Georgia must hold a clear, renewable teaching certificate and are responsible for ensuring that completion of the Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction will qualify them for a certificate upgrade in their state.
Applicants who are interested in this degree but do not hold a teaching certificate should contact the Program Director or the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the College of Education.