Feb 11, 2025
PSYC 4173 - Social Psychology (3 Credit Hours)
A survey of social influences on individual and group behavior. Special topics will include attitude formation and change, social perception and attribution processes, interpersonal attraction, aggression, altruism, social influence, and group dynamics.
Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0
Grade Mode: Normal, Audit Prerequisites: PSYC3121 >= C Repeat Status: No Major Restrictions: Psychology Class Restrictions: Junior-Semester, Senior-Semester Schedule Type: Lecture, Lecture/Supervised Lab/Clinic, Lecture/Unsupervi Lab/Clinic, Seminar - Small Group, Supervised Lab/Clinic, Unsupervised Lab/Clinic, Independent Study, Directed Study (one-to-one), Asynchronous Instruction, Practice Teaching
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