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    Oct 18, 2024  
2012-2013 Georgia Health Sciences University Catalog 
2012-2013 Georgia Health Sciences University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Dental Medicine Academic Progress Policies


College of Dental Medicine Academic Progress Policies

 Review of Academic Progress


Academic progress of students is monitored by the Student Academic Review Committee (SARC). At the end of each semester and at any other time deemed appropriate, the Student Academic Review Committee reviews and evaluates each student’s performance and recommends one of the following to the Dean:

1.  continued enrollment as a regular student;
2.  continued enrollment as a student on academic probation;
3.  continued enrollment as a special student;
4.  repeating of coursework in any deficient areas, as appropriate;
5.  repeating of a portion of the curriculum;
6.  administrative withdrawal from clinical courses if a National Board Exam is failed;
7.  dismissal; or
8.  promotion to the next year of the curriculum (effective the end of Spring Semester of each year), as appropriate. 

 Dean’s List

Students who exhibit acceptable professional behavior and whose grade point average (GPA) while carrying at least 12 hours in any semester is 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale) or higher and who have not received any unsatisfactory or failing grades for the semester are named to the Dean’s List. Dean’s List qualifications for students receiving grades of Incomplete (“I”) will not be determined until the “I” is replaced by an earned grade.

  Failing Grades and Incompletes

1.  Failing grades
Students must pass all courses within the curriculum to be eligible for graduation. When a failing grade is received, an ”F” or “U” is recorded. The student must be re-registered in the course before a passing grade can be earned. Each course syllabus will state the criteria for satisfactorily repeating a course that has been failed. Students must participate in additional learning experiences under the supervision of the course director prior to receiving a final grade for the second attempt of a course that was previously failed. Promotion to the next year of the curriculum is precluded until all courses in the preceding year have been completed with a passing grade.

2.  Incompletes
If a student receives an Incomplete (grade of “I”), the course director will notify the student in writing of the time limitations and requirements to remove the “I”, subject to approval by the Student Academic Review Committee and the Dean. When the student completes the course, the course director is responsible for submitting the grade earned by the student to replace the I. Grade changes should be submitted within 3 working days of course completion. Any “I” grade not replaced by an earned grade within the next two semesters in residence following the assignment of the “I” will be changed to a grade of “F” (or “U” in the case of “S”/”U” courses). Promotion to the next year of the curriculum is precluded until all Incomplete grades have been removed. Responsibility for monitoring resolution of “I” grades rests with the Chair of the Student Academic Review Committee.


1.  Special Students
Any student who, as a result of academic deficiencies, is required to study in an altered curriculum (e.g., more courses, fewer courses, or different courses than the student’s class would normally be taking) will be considered a special student. Special students would normally not be expected to graduate on time.

2.     Time Limitations
In all policies of the Student Academic Review Committee regarding time limitations, working days shall include the five days of the work week (Monday through Friday) regardless of whether classes are in session, and shall exclude all official holidays of Georgia Health Sciences University. Exceptions to this definition will be listed as calendar days.

Administrative Withdrawal from Courses


1.  Part I of the National Dental Board Examination is taken in August following completion of the summer semester (6th).  If a student receives a total score below 75 on Part I the student will be required to meet with appropriate faculty to establish a remedial study program and will be required to retake the NBI Exam prior to the start of spring semester. If a student fails the NBI Exam a second time the SARC will meet with the student. In most cases the following recommendation will be made to the Dean: 

“The SARC recommends the student should be immediately withdrawn from ongoing
 DMD courses in order to enroll in remedial courses to prepare to retake the examination. 
The student must pass the Part I Examination prior to July 1st in order to be re-enrolled in
the junior year at the start of the fall semester. Remedial preclinical activities may be
required prior to re-enrollment.  A third failure on the Part I Examination will require a
Dismissal Hearing for the student.” 

However, the SARC will consider other factors such as the student’s previous academic record, student attendance, etc. and may modify the recommendation to the Dean.

2.  Part II of the National Dental Board Examination should be taken in December of the fourth year of the curriculum.  A student receiving a failing score will be required to retake the exam prior to April 15th. A third failure on the Part II Examination will require a Dismissal Hearing for the student.

 Academic Probation

Any student whose grade point average (GPA) for any semester is below 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) or whose cumulative D.M.D program GPA is below 2.00 at the end of any semester shall be considered on academic probation. Students on academic probation are subject to the Academic Dismissal policies of the College of Dental Medicine.

Academic Dismissal

1.  Authority to dismiss students from the College of Dental Medicine rests with the Dean.  Any student who fails to meet the standards of academic progress listed in this section of College of Dental Medicine policies may be dismissed for academic reasons. The Student Academic Review Committee has the responsibility for monitoring student academic progress, and recommending to the Dean the dismissal of any student who does not make satisfactory academic progress through the curriculum. The SARC shall not recommend the dismissal of any student until the student has been provided an opportunity for a hearing before the SARC.

2.  Standards of Academic Progress
Students whose level of academic achievement falls below the standards of academic progress set forth below will be scheduled for an academic dismissal hearing before the SARC.  A student will be considered for dismissal if:

a.  The student’s cumulative GPA is below 1.65 at the end of the first semester of the freshman year; or
b.  The student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.00 at the end of the second semester of the freshman year; or
c.  The student earns 8 semester hours of “F”, “WF” or “U” during a single semester; or
d.  The student is on academic probation for two of three consecutive semesters; or
e.  The student fails Part I of the National Board Dental Examination three times; or
f.   The student fails Part II of the National Board Dental Examination three times

3.  In addition, the Student Academic Review Committee may recommend to the Dean the dismissal of any student on academic probation. Prior to such a recommendation, any student being considered for dismissal has the right to a hearing before the Student Academic Review Committee.

4.  Hearing Procedures
The Student Academic Review Committee shall use the following procedures for all academic dismissal hearings initiated by the SARC.

a. Notice to Student
Once the SARC has determined that a dismissal hearing is indicated the Chair of the SARC will immediately notify the student, the Dean and all SARC members that a hearing will be arranged.  Every effort should be made to schedule the hearing within 10 days.  In extraordinary circumstances the hearing may be delayed in order to obtain important additional information, to secure a quorum, etc.  At least 5 days prior to a dismissal hearing before the SARC, the student will receive a written notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing and a written notice of the applicable policies which could lead to the student’s dismissal.

b. Hearing Procedure Rules

(1) An audio recording and minutes of the hearing proceedings shall be kept and a copy made available to the parties concerned through the legal department in the event an appeal is filed. 
(2) The Vice-Chair of the SARC will present the student’s academic record to the Committee and may present witnesses from the faculty to provide information about the student’s performance in courses.  In the absence of the Vice-Chair or in the event of a potential conflict of interest the Chair may name a designee to serve in place of the Vice-Chair.
(3) Students appearing before the SARC will be permitted an advisor of his\her choice except that a student may not select an attorney as his or her advisor. If a student selects an advisor who is not a faculty member of the Georgia Health Sciences University, the student must sign a written waiver of confidentiality for the advisor to attend the hearing. Any such waiver of confidentiality is intended to permit the non-faculty advisor to attend the hearing, and the student’s right to privacy will otherwise be protected to the extent allowed by law. Advisors may not directly participate in the hearing.
(4) At least eight voting members of the SARC must be present for a dismissal hearing. The SARC will deliberate in executive session to formulate a recommendation regarding the student’s academic standing. The recommendation will be voted on by a written, secret ballot. The Vice-Chair shall not vote, and the Chair will vote only in the event of a tie. Recommendations must pass by a simple majority of the voting members present.
(5) The student shall have access to his (her) academic record.
(6) The student shall be afforded an opportunity to obtain and present witnesses and documents or other evidence.
(7) The student and all members of the SARC shall have the right to question all witnesses.
(8) The decision of the SARC shall be based on the student’s academic record and shall be presented by the Chair of the SARC to the Dean in the form of a written recommendation within 24 hours of the end of the hearing.
(9) In cases where the Chair of the SARC determines that participation of a faculty member in a student dismissal hearing creates a conflict of interest, the faculty member will be excused from the hearing.

5. Dean’s Responsibilities
The Dean may implement the SARC’s recommendation or modify the recommendation.  At the discretion of the Dean, the Dean may dismiss the student or continue the enrollment of the student as a regular student, a special student on an altered curriculum, or as a student on academic probation. The Dean shall advise the student in writing of his (her) decision within 5 days of receiving the written recommendation of the SARC. The Dean’s decision is final for the School of Dentistry.  It is the responsibility of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to create, manage and store the written and audio records that are related to the hearing.  The management of the records should follow the institutional policies that apply to all schools of Georgia Health Sciences University.

Appeal of Dismissal

A student may appeal the Dean’s dismissal decision to the GHSU Campus Review Body  (CRB) ( A student may appeal the recommendation of the CRB to the President of Georgia Health Sciences University.  A decision by the President may be appealed to the Board of Regents in accordance with Board policy.


Any student who is dismissed or who withdraws from the College of Dental Medicine may apply to the Student Admissions and Recruitment Committee for readmission as a first year student by submitting a regular application for admission following standard admission procedures.  No re-enrollment with advanced standing will be permitted except under the provisions of the College of Dental Medicine’s Leave of Absence policy.


Successful completion of all requirements leads to the D.M.D. degree. Approval to graduate rests with the Dean.  Graduation requirements are:

  1. A minimum of 11 semesters in residence; and
  2. Completion of the curriculum within 16 semesters in residence except that students in the D.M.D./M.S. and D.M.D./Ph.D. programs may request a waiver of the 16 semester rule from the Dean; and
  3. Passing grades in all required courses; and
  4. Cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher; and
  5. Satisfactory completion of all clinical services; and
  6. Passing Part I and Part II of the National Board Dental Examination within 16 semesters of enrolling in the D.M.D. program; and
  7. Return of assigned institutional property and equipment in acceptable condition; and
  8. Payment of all outstanding financial obligations to include tuition and all required student fees, and
  9. Completion of all required surveys and course and instructor evaluations.
Leave of Absence Policy
  1. Emergency Leaves of Absence
    Emergency leaves of absence can be recommended by the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni and approved by the Dean for up to 10 working days.  In the case of absence or unavailability of the Dean or the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni either may make the emergency decision.  All missed work must be made up.
  2. Family Leave of Absence

a. Any student enrolled in the College of Dental Medicine may request from the Dean a family leave of absence in the event of:

  • the birth of the child of the student
  • the placement of a child with the student for adoption;
  • a serious health condition of the student’s child, spouse, parent or spouse’s parent necessitating the student’s presence; or
  • a serious health condition of the student which renders him/her unable to perform the duties of a student.

b. A family leave may serve for an intermediate time period or for a period of part-time attendance and does not require withdrawal from the Georgia Health Sciences University.

c. Students taking a family leave of absence are required to make up all missed work. 

d. Family leave of absence request procedures:

(1)  Students must request a family leave of absence from the College of Dental Medicine by submitting a written request to the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni. The request should state the following:

(a) The reason the leave is being requested.
(b) When possible, the inclusive dates (i.e., beginning and ending) of the leave or the part-time nature of the leave.

(2)  A letter of support for the action should be included if appropriate (i.e. physician letter, etc.)

(3)  The Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni will inform the Dean of the request.  If the Dean approves the student’s request, the Dean will refer the matter to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs who will in conjunction with appropriate course directors and department chairs develop conditions that must be met by the student and any necessary remediation activities the student is to complete during or after the family leave.

(4). The Dean will review the conditions submitted by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs regarding the leave of absence and may approve, deny, or modify the conditions.  The Dean will notify the student in writing of the action on the student’s request, including any conditions that must be met by the student.  In the case of absence or unavailability of the Dean in an emergency situation, the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni may approve the Family Leave following the conditions stated in this policy.

(5). The student must meet with the appropriate patient care coordinator to discuss his/her patient pool. Some patients of students who have been approved for a family leave of absence may need to be reassigned.

(6). Students receiving financial aid through the Georgia Health Sciences University must comply with all federal policies to maintain eligibility for aid.

(7). In the event that the family leave becomes excessive the student may apply for an extended leave of absence.

  1. Extended Leaves of Absence

a. Any student enrolled in the College of Medicine may request from the Dean an extended leave of absence for cause.  Any student who is granted an extended leave must officially withdraw from Georgia Health Sciences University in keeping with institutional policies.

b. Students taking an extended leave of absence will re-enter the curriculum no later than the point at which the leave began, and students may be required to repeat a portion of the curriculum.  Students who are on an extended leave from the College of Dental Medicine for more than one calendar year may be required to repeat all or a significant portion of the curriculum.

c. Extended Leave of Absence Request

(1)  Students must request an extended leave of absence from the College of Dental Medicine by submitting a written request to the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni.  The request should state the following:

(a) The reason the leave is being requested (i.e., ill health, financial burdens, family problems, personal problems, reconsideration of career or life goals, etc.)

(b) When possible, the inclusive dates (i.e., beginning and ending) of the leave.

(2)  A letter of support for the action should be included if appropriate (i.e. physician letter, etc.)

(3)  The Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni will inform the Dean of the request.   If the Dean approves the student’s request, the Dean will refer the matter to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs who will in conjunction with appropriate course directors and department chairs develop conditions that must be met by the student to re-enroll.  The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will include in the conditions the point in the curriculum where the student will re-enroll and any necessary remediation activities the student is to complete before or after re-enrollment.

(4)  The Dean will review the conditions submitted by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs regarding the leave of absence and may approve, deny, or modify the conditions.  The Dean will notify the student in writing of the action on the student’s request, including any conditions that must be met by the student.  A copy of the Dean’s written notice to the student will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for filing in the student’s record.  In the case of absence or unavailability of the Dean in an emergency situation, the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni may approve the Family Leave following the conditions stated in this policy.

(5)  If the leave is granted, the student must personally complete withdrawal procedures through both the College of Dental Medicine and the Office of the Registrar.

(6)  The student must meet with the appropriate patient care coordinator to discuss his/her patient pool. The patients of students who have been approved for a leave of absence will probably be reassigned.

(7)  In cases where the leave of absence extends for more than sixty calendar days, the student must confirm his or her plans to re-enroll by notifying the Dean in writing at least thirty calendar days prior to the previously determined re-enrollment date (see J.3.a.(2), above). The Dean will then notify the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Registrar of the point within the curriculum at which (semester and year) the student will re-enroll (the student’s course schedule should be attached to the Dean’s notification to the Registrar).  Students seeking reinstatement will be required to meet all conditions for reinstatement that had been established.

(8)  Students who fail to confirm their re-enrollment date in accordance with this policy or students who do not notify the Dean of a change in plans may not be allowed to re-enroll in the College of Dental Medicine.  Students must also complete all institutional procedures required for re-instatement as specified by the College and Registrar.

4. Leave of Absence for Professional Activities

If a leave of absence will require more than two school days any student enrolled in the College of Dental Medicine must request from the Dean a leave of absence for professional activities to attend:

a.       Official meetings sponsored by any recognized professional dental organization for the purpose of representing Georgia Health Sciences University College of Dental Medicine or presenting material at such a meeting.

b.       Research activities on campus.

This request must be accompanied by a Request for Excused Absence for Professional Activities form which has been signed by all course directors involved. 

5.  The Dean’s Office will notify involved course directors and Department Chairs when a leave of absence of any type has been has been granted.

Student Academic Grievances Policy

The following policy relative to academic grievances shall be applicable to all predoctoral students enrolled in Georgia Health Sciences University College of Dental Medicine.

  1. Grounds for Grievances
    A student may file an academic grievance if (s)he feels one of the following grounds apply:

a. grading was not in accordance with published course grading policy;

b. grading was arbitrary or capricious; or

c. grading was determined on the basis of race, disability, gender, ethnicity, or religious affiliation.

  1. Academic Grievance Protocol

    A student pursuing a grievance must provide written notification of the grievance to the Chair of the SARC within 15 working days of the incident that prompts the grievance so that the Chair of the SARC may help expedite necessary meetings. Any student who has a grievance should attempt to resolve it with the faculty member involved. If the problem is not resolved, the student should then meet with the appropriate course director.  If the problem is not resolved at this level, the student should meet with both the course director and the Department Chair.  If the problem is still not resolved, the student may request that the grievance be heard by the Student Academic Review Committee citing one or more of the grounds listed above.  An investigative subcommittee composed of the Vice Chair of the SARC and one other member of the SARC will be appointed by the Chair of the Committee to determine whether or not the grievance should be heard by the full Committee.  If the Committee hears the grievance, a recommendation will be made to the Dean whose decision shall be final for the College of Dental Medicine.  The student has the right to appeal the decision of the Dean to the CRB and subsequently to the President of Georgia Health Sciences University.
  2. Student Academic Grievance Procedures

The Student Academic Review Committee shall use the following procedures for all student grievances initiated under the Student Academic Grievance policy of the College of Dental Medicine.

a. Procedures for Requesting a Hearing

1.  After attempting to resolve the grievance with the course director and department chair, a student who has not received satisfaction must write a letter to the Chair of the Student Academic Review Committee.  In the letter to the Chair of the SARC, the student must provide:

a.  Date(s), time(s) and place(s) of events in question;

b.  Names of any witnesses;

c.  Facts of the grievance and action requested;

d.  Outline of efforts and actions already taken by the student to gain redress indicating dates and names of contacts.

The Chair of the SARC will provide a copy of the student’s grievance letter to the course director and department chair within 5 days of receiving the grievance.

2.  Within 5 days of receiving the letter, the Chair of the SARC will appoint an investigative subcommittee to determine whether the grievance warrants a hearing by the full SARC. The investigative subcommittee will be composed of the Vice Chair of the SARC and one other member of the SARC.  The subcommittee will make its recommendation to the Chair of the SARC within 10 working days of being appointed.  The Chair of the SARC will notify the parties concerned in writing within 3 days of the subcommittee’s determination including the time and place of the hearing if one is granted.

3.  If the investigative subcommittee recommends denying a student request for a hearing, the student may appeal that action to the Dean within 5 days of receiving the denial.  The Dean may uphold the investigative subcommittee denial or remand the matter to the SARC for a full hearing.

b. Hearing Procedure Rules

1.  An audio recording and minutes of the hearing proceedings shall be kept and a copy made available to the parties concerned through the legal department in the event an appeal is filed.

2.  In cases where a Committee member is a party to the grievance, where the Chair of the SARC determines a Committee member will have a conflict of interest, and in cases where a Committee member is to serve as a witness, that member shall not participate in the hearing of those grievances as a member of the Committee.  Members of the investigation subcommittee will not participate in the formal SARC hearing except as witnesses. 

3.  Whenever each of the parties concerned appear before the Committee, (s)he will be permitted to have present an advisor of his (her) choice that is a member of the GHSU academic community.  The role of the advisor will be to advise the student. Advisors may not directly participate in the hearing.  A student may not select an attorney as his or her advisor.

4.  The SARC will deliberate in executive session to formulate a recommendation regarding the student’s academic grievance.  The recommendation will be voted on by a written, secret ballot. The Chair will vote only in the event of a tie.  Recommendations must pass by a simple majority of the voting members present.

5.  The student shall have access to his (her) academic record.

6.  The parties concerned shall be afforded an opportunity to obtain and present witnesses and documents or other evidence.

7.  The parties concerned shall have the right to question all witnesses.

8.  The decision of the Committee shall be based on the evidence introduced at the hearing.

9.  The Chair shall notify the Dean in writing of the Committee’s recommendation within three (3) working days of the hearing.  The recommendation shall include a brief statement of facts, the Committee’s decision, and the reasons therefore.  It is the responsibility of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to create, manage and store the written and audio records that are related to the hearing.  The management of the records should follow the institutional policies that apply to all schools of Georgia Health Sciences University.

10.  After receipt of written notification of the recommendation of the Committee, the Dean shall advise the student and other parties concerned in writing of his (her) decision and the reasons supporting this decision within five (5) working days of receipt of the Committee recommendation.

11.  The student has the right to appeal any adverse decision by the Dean to the President of Georgia Health Sciences University within five (5) working days of receipt of the Dean’s decision.

Grading Models, Course Failure Policies, and Attendance Policies in Course Syllabi
  1. Grading Models

Each course syllabus must contain a grading model clearly stating how the final course grade will be determined. The procedure for determining numerical values must include the rounding procedure.

  1. Course Failure Policies

All course syllabi shall have a clearly written policy for treatment of students receiving a failing grade as described in the course grading policy.  The course syllabus should also include any limitations that will be placed on the student in subsequent course work or clinical activity as a result of failing the course.  When considering treatment of such students, the course director should take into account:

a. the other courses for which the failed course is a pre-requisite;

b. whether there will be adequate time in the student’s schedule for the course to be repeated the next time that the course is regularly scheduled to be offered;

c. the emphasis for areas of deficiency (cognitive vs. manual dexterity);

d. whether it is appropriate to provide additional training or self-teaching to resolve the specific student’s deficiencies in lieu of complete repetition of the course; and

e. the failing grades policy of the College of Dental Medicine which requires that students be re-registered for any course failed and that students must participate in additional learning experiences under the supervision of the course director before a grade for the second attempt at the course can be assigned.

  1. Attendance Policies

Each course syllabus must contain a clearly written description of the course’s attendance policy. If attendance is mandatory, a clearly stipulated policy must be present which outlines the implications for the student for non-compliance.

Student Excused Absence Policy

Successful completion of the dental program depends directly upon student participation in and completion of all required courses.  Students are expected to attend all scheduled classroom, laboratory and clinic sessions.  However, it is understood that on occasion students may be required to be absent from a scheduled class, laboratory or a clinic session for excusable reasons.  An excused absence excuses only a student’s attendance at a scheduled class session. In all cases, any missed work must be made up.

  1. The Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni has the authority and may grant an immediate excused absence for a student in the following circumstances.

a. Personal illness or illness of a close family member when the attention of the student is required.

b. Death of an immediate family member.

c. Personal appointments for acute or preventive health care. (A student missing a scheduled examination must document a visit to Student Health or a private physician in order to qualify for a make up examination.  Whenever possible, students should schedule preventive appointments at times which are minimally disruptive to their class schedule).

d. Accident or other unforeseen circumstances making it impossible for a student to attend a scheduled class.

  1. Students are expected to report their reason for requesting an excused absence to the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni on the day of the absence or as soon as possible.  If the request for an excused absence is approved, the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni will notify the course directors and advise the student to arrange to make up any missed work as soon as possible.  The Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni will have the responsibility to determine the validity of the reason for the request.  Students are not required to notify each course director or to divulge the reason for the absence to anyone other that the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni.  Student confidentiality must be respected and preserved unless required by subpoena or other legal process.  A record of excused absences will be maintained in the office of the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni until the Student Academic Review Committee reviews grades at the end of the semester.
  2. The following may also constitute reasons for an excused absence but these are not emergencies and they should be planned well in advance. The student has the responsibility to notify the course director and the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni and arrange in advance to make up any work to be missed.

a. Serving off campus as a representative of the institution or an institutionally sponsored organization.

b. Seniors interviewing for a graduate program or practice opportunity.

c. Scheduled participation in an off site rotation or elective.

d. Religious holiday.

e. Other circumstance as may be approved by the course director.

  1. Faculty has the responsibility to monitor class attendance. When attendance is part of the course grade, attendance must be taken for all students at every class session.  Students that are suspected of abusing the Excused Absence Policy should be reported to the Associate Dean for Students, Admissions and Alumni for investigation and action as prescribed by the College of Dental Medicine Code of Conduct.
  2. A student who misses a scheduled class session without an excused absence is not entitled to any special consideration to make up missed projects, work or examinations. These students should be treated in accordance with the class attendance policy published in the course syllabus.
  3. A student grievance arising due to an excused absence action should be handled as specified in section K of the Academic Progress Policies.