Program Overview
The program is a “2+2,” meaning the student completes the first two years at any accredited college or university of choice, and the last two years on campus. All students begin the program fall semester of their junior year. The program includes classroom, laboratory and clinical education.
Policies on blood borne and infectious diseases are strictly enforced in the program. These policies are available to applicants for admission and for patients treated in the dental hygiene clinics.
Program Coordinator
Admissions Information
This program requires an additional admissions application beyond the regular Augusta University undergraduate admissions application. This program is an accredited 2+2 program, which means applicants must complete their freshmen and sophomore years (60 semester hours) at an accredited college/university of choice, and the junior and senior years (65 semester hours) on the Augusta University campus after being admitted to the program. Please see the Office of Academic Admissions website for specific admissions information:
Progression and Graduation Requirements
Click here for a term by term display.